Andrea Mariconti was born in Italy in 1978. He lives and works between Cremona and Milan (Italy).
Painter and sculptor. He works with natural materials (ashes – phytolacca – coal – wax – copper – bronze – petroil – raw soil ), the only colour he uses in his paintings is ‘white’. His work is about exploration of materials, in a wide view including all Art History, exploring their expressive and conceptual properties and their transmutation.
Graduated at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, major in visual arts and scenography. Since from 2005 he has conducted a wide range of experience of laboratories in the social health sector, in Italy, Kosovo and South Africa (orphans, psychiatry, oncology, kids with relation problems) and he has been teacher to a disabled students school of drama. In 2005 he attend to Anselm Kiefer workshop during the setting up of the Seven Heavenly Palaces at the Hangar Bicocca in Milan.
Since the first exhibition in 2004 he is represented in the most important International art fairs (Basel, Berlin, Tai Pei, Karlsruhe, Strasbourg). In 2011 he wins the Best of Show at the UNESCO International Bioethics Art Prize. From 2018, he is holder of the chair of Visual Art and Painting at the Santa Giulia Accademy, Brescia (IT). Founder of www.animuladesign.com, he collaborates, for the sculpting scope, with the historical lost-wax-bronze foundry Allanconi (Bolzone IT) and archeological museums.
His research is mainly based on an inclusive approach of the entire History of Art and the exploration of perceptual interferences. He works with natural materials of mineral origin (graphite – copper – bronze) and vegetable origin (phytolacca – coal – ash – ganpi paper – petroleum), from which he obtains intense and veiled colors and hues. Mariconti has studied and deepened over the years, in addition to a pictorial research that places him firmly in the panorama of contemporary art, an expressive research in the sculptural field that is based on the exploration of the potential of lost wax bronze, an ancient technique that plays an important role primary in the evolution of human civilization. Mariconti’s works are present in private and public collections, both national and international.
2019- invitation and workshop at DYNAMO ART FACTORY – Pistoia ITALY
2011- winner of 1st Prize UNESCO International Bioethics Art Competition – Texas, USA
2003 – winner of San Fedele Prize – Milan, Italy
Ghisla Art Foundation – Locarno CH
Sursock Museum – Beirut (LB)
Illumia Art Collection – Bologna (IT)
Mu.Sa – Salò (IT)
FMR – Bologna (IT)
Horion. sperimentazioni di archeologia sonora | Zurla palace| sound performance | Ripalta Arpina (IT)
Apogeion | Acheologic museum Laus Pompeia | curated by Paolo Torre | Lodivecchio (IT)
Aequa-Nox | Acheologic museum of Vicolo Valdina | curated by Paolo Torre and Cornelia Bujin | Camera dei Deputati – Roma (IT)
Naeuma -Antimatter | Ghisla Foundation | curated by Alberto Fiz and Ilaria Bignotti | Locarno (CH)
Naeuma -Antimatter | Ghisla Foundation | curated by Alberto Fiz and Ilaria Bignotti | Locarno (CH)
Ri-configurazione, Dynamo Art Gallery Museum, Dynamo Camp Pistoia (IT)
Beyond Interference, Auditorium San Giovanni, Torri del Benaco (VR)
Spielen mit geistern| Playing with ghosts, curated by Paolo Rondini, Luisa Catucci Gallery, Berlin
STILL LIFE, Galleria NuovoSpazio, Piacenza
Kanon III Halos, curated by M.G.Melandri, MAG Museum – Magazzini del Sale, Cervia (IT)
Keramos, curated by G.I.Sidola, Federico Rui Arte Contemporanea, Milan (IT)
Kanon I Habitat Mouseion, curated by G.I.Sidola and Antonio Spadaro S.I., Diocesano Museum, Milan EXPO 2015 (IT)
Kanon II Homo Viator, curated by G.I.Sidola and Antonio Spadaro S.I., Spazio 88, Rome (IT)
Attraction, curated by A.Redaelli, Galleria Punto sull’Arte, Varese (IT)
Kanon, curated by E.Beluffi, Galleria Federico Rui, Milan (IT)
Storia Naturale, curated by E.Beluffi, BPL Arte, Banca popolare di Lodi (IT)
Mens Aequorea, curated by C.Frequellucci, Galleria Percorsi Arte Contemporanea, Rimini (IT)
Aleifar, curated by di Stefano Castelli, Galleria Rotta Farinelli, Genova (IT)
Ecumene|terra da abitare, curated by F.Baboni-S.Taddei, Sala Espositiva Telemaco Signorini, Portoferraio (IT)
La natura organica della memoria genera l’opera, curated by E. Beluffi, Sala dei Decurioni – Palazzo del Comune, Cremona (IT)
La natura organica della memoria genera l’opera, curated by E. Beluffi, Galleria Nuovo Spazio, Piacenza (IT)
I Resti del Tempo, Galleria Federico Rui, Milan (IT)
Blackcoal, curated by di Natalia Vecchia, Galleria ZeroOtto, Lodi (IT)
No more me (exhibition/workshop), Bell Roberts Gallery, Cape Town (South Africa)
Quia Pulvis, curated by di Fabrizio Dentice, Galleria Pittura Italiana, Milan (IT)
De Umbris Idearum, curated by Fra. G. La Rocca, Galleria L’Ariete, Bologna (IT)
Andrea Mariconti, curated by Maurizio Sciaccaluga, Galleria Pittura Italiana, Milan (IT)
Silenzi, curated by di Flaminio Gualdoni, Galleria L’Ariete, Bologna (IT)
Nozzechimiche, curated by Galleria Pittura Italiana, Spazio Cailan’d, Milan, (IT)
Rumore bianco, curated by Francesco Gesti e Antonio Spadaro, Galleria Arturarte, Nepi (IT)
Interferenze, curated by Antonio Spadaro e Rodolfo Balzarotti, Spazio S. Fedele, Milan (IT)
La passeggiata della linea | Mu.Sa Salò Museum | curated by Annalisa Ghirardi | Salò (IT)
Gesto Zero | Museo di Santa Giulia, Brescia | Museo del Violino, Cremona | Ex Chiesa di Santa Maria Maddalena | Bergamo | curated by I. Bignotti | 2020
POSITIONS|Berlin, curated by L.Catucci gallery, Berlin
Art Taipei, Galleria Bianconi Milano, Tai Pei (Taiwan)
Paper Blood, curated by I.Pengo and M.Tavola, Villa Litta-Borromeo, Lainate (IT)
Segni Moderni, curated by I.Pengo and M.Tavola, Orie gallery, Tokyo (JP)
Sublimate, sublime, subliminal, Underdog Gallery – Lloyd’s club, curated by di A.Rankle, London (UK)
Il divino nell’arte contemporanea, Brettii Museum, curated by V. Sgarbi, Cosenza (IT)
Viva Palermo e Santa Rosalia, Palazzi Costantino e Di Napoli ai Quattro Canti, curated by G. Intra
Sidola, Palermo (IT)
Il passato rieditato, Galleria Bianca Maria Rizzi & Mathias Ritter, curated by E.Beluffi, Salone
Internazionale del Mobile, Milan (IT)
UNESCO International Bioethics Art Prize, MD Anderson Cancer Centre, Huston (Texas USA)
Fundamentum Artis: Albanese – Chia – CodaZabetta – Ferlinghetti – DarioFo – Mariconti – Mendini – Moret – Pellegrini – Petracchi – PizziCannella, curated by di R.Z.Bongiovanni, Unicredit Private, Bologna (IT)
UNESCO International Bioethics Art Prize, The United Nations General Assembly Hall, New York (USA)
Materia è Memoria, curated by Emanuela Agnoli, Galleria Percorsi, Rimini (IT)
Naturae, Galleria Zerootto, Lodi (IT)
Il canto degli Alberi, Galleria Federico Rui, Milan (IT)
Walkin’ Venice Open Galleries, Meggiato Fine Arts, Venice (IT)
New art gallery, Wasescha+Meggiato, S.Moritz (CH)
Figurati!, Museo Officina delle Arti, Reggio Emilia (IT)
Premio Cairo, Museo della Permanente, Milan (IT)
La Nuova Figurazione italiana… to be continued, curated byi Chiara Canali, Fondazione Borroni, Milan (IT)
Summer Container, Galleria Goethe 2, Bolzano (IT)
L’ombra del dubbio, curated by Maurizio Sciaccaluga, Galleria Novato, Fano (IT)
Aliens, curated by di Sergio Curtacci, Spazio Novantanove, Venezia (IT)
Landscape, curated by Stefano Castelli, Galleria 35, Rieti (IT)
Figurati!, Galleria Pittura Italiana, Milan (IT)
Per le Strade, curated by Emma Gravagnuolo e Franco Migliaccio, Hotel Delle Arti, Cremona (IT)
Vertigini: il fantastico oggettuale, curated by Silvia Pegoraro, XXXIX Premio Vasto, Palazzo d’Avalos, Vasto (IT)
Città di Carta: da Sironi ai contemporanei, curated by Sandro Fusina, Galleria Pittura Italiana, Milan (IT)
Premio Morlotti 2005, curated byGiacomo Pellegrini, Imbersago (IT)
Europe Project, curated by Gianluca Marziani, Hart Diest Gallery, Diest (B)
Nuovo romanticismo, Galleria Studio Vivo, Cremona (IT)
Sacro, curated by Silvano Petrosino, Centro S. Fedele, Milan (IT)
La Fenice Prize, Venice, (second prize) (IT)
Salon di scenografia 2004 – il mestiere dello scenografo, Accademia di Brera, Milan (fisrt prize) (IT)
Caleidoscopio di Brera, curated by Andrea Del Guercio, Collegio Cairoli Università degli Studi, Pavia (IT)
(S)paesaggi e dintorni, Galleria Pittura Italiana, Milan (IT)
Ritorno ad Itaca, curated by Andrea Dall’Asta, Centro S. Fedele, Milan (IT)
Premio CDZ 2002, curated by Elena Pontiggia, Galleria Ponte Rosso, Milan (IT)
SALON I 2000, Museo della Permanente, Milan (IT)
La riscoperta dell’immagine di Vigilio nell’autenticità e sensibilità odierna, Museo Diocesano Tridentino, Trento (first prize) (IT)