Naeuma Antimatter V


In a very big exhibition, where paintings, drawings, sketches and engravings of the last five years are collected, sculptures represent the possibility to create a new synthesis between sign, sound and material, in a circular space full of obstacles that let Mariconti show his inner landscape. Doing this, he refuses the traditional paths of representation that in any case he had already dissected in his painting and the battlefield where he proves his planning and technical ability is the three-dimensional surface. […] They are sculptures with a double soul that develop their potentiality of sign and language and, at the same time, act as a connection between the material sphere and the immaterial one. All that flaws into an interesting, singular solution, according to synesthetic and performative experiences. […]
The resulting image reminds us about a natural element, an acorn indeed, hanging like fruit on a tree. But this research refuses any categorization and it’s not by chance that the ambiguous structure of the sculptures evokes a Chinese box, because it hides many other suggestions and references to past worlds and we can perceive urns, jars and prehistoric utensils.(A.Fiz – The shape of time – 2022)