Neuma III

CategorySculpture About This Project.The evolution of mankind underwent a swift turn with the discovery of metal: overcoming the agricultural phase is to enter the metallurgical phase, and this is a path that leads to the birth of modern societies, to the cities. The first artistic offspring of the first metal age …


CategorySculpture About This Project.The artwork of Andrea is an experience of nature, for the artist’s reason enables the natural elements which he chooses, respectfully uses and combines, to speak with greater clarity and frankness. Thus the material used is no longer simply the instrument of expression, but in its own …

Neuma II

CategorySculpture About This Project.The evolution of mankind underwent a swift turn with the discovery of metal: overcoming the agricultural phase is to enter the metallurgical phase, and this is a path that leads to the birth of modern societies, to the cities. The first artistic offspring of the first metal age …

Hortus Conclusus

CategoryPainting About This ProjectLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam et tincidunt purus. Donec congue nisl nec ex pretium aliquet. Etiam dui enim, venenatis a diam nec, faucibus maximus dui. Donec laoreet nibh diam, ut tempor justo vestibulum at. Mauris aliquam elit at risus convallis suscipit. Mauris imperdiet …